Day Without a Gay 12/10/08 : Call to Action/Economic Boycott

Day without a Gay is taking a new spin on the concept of a boycott — already enacted by "A Day without Mexicans" in recent civil rights efforts — to show the effects on every day commerce and life when everyone gay disappears from that commerce and economy.
During the busy shopping season where analysts have year over year numbers, we want to watch the graph dip as we take our tax dollars and keep them. Instead, we will give to the organizations that need our time and help. We are taxpaying citizens who contribute to this economy. We deserve legal protections from our government and marriage provides 10,000+ legal protections that are not awarded to our families! Read Joel Stein’s Call to Action and Visit
Celebrate our differences.
Respect our Equality.
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::There was some confusion about the date, but two organizations proposed this great initiative and we combined into one. On December 10th, we ask that the LGBTQ community (and its supporters) Call in Gay! Don’t go to work, don’t consume, don’t contribute to this economy at all…instead, contribute to your community through volunteer work, community outreach, and social outreach. (Remember the Date will be December 10th NOT the 5th)
January 10th, 2009: National Protest. Let’s do this again! We’ve done so much with only one week of planning. Now imagine what we can do with 2 months! It’s time we get out and protest all of the anti-gay ballot initiatives from 2008 AND the initiatives from 2004: DOMA. DOMA exists in 37 states throughout our country! Full equality will not exist with DOMA. We need to bring the nation’s attention back to this, keep their attention on Prop 8’s revoking of rights, and keep giving this country a reason to talk!
Also, we ask that everyone who can, show your support for equality: Light up this nation with the Blue For Equality Movement! Display a BLUE LIGHT in your front porch, window or store front to show support for EQUALITY FOR ALL.
Help show the gay community that they are not alone! Get the word out and show your colors for equality!When we look at the surface we are all DIFFERENT
(and this should be celebrated!).
When we go deeper we are all the same and all deserve to be treated with EQUALITY.
Labels: blue for equality, Day Without a Gay, DOMA, economic boycott, gay marriage, gay protests, gay rights, glbt rights
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