A Patriot's Message to the Right-wing & Republican Party
Came across this among the responses to David Broder's newest column entitled "The GOP Loses Ground" at the Washington Post website.
charliemunn wrote:Another poster responded: "Bravo, Airman."
I'm an average, Independent American who retired from the USAF. I don't believe inpre-emptive wars, and do believe in fiscal responsibility. I hate Big Money Lobby and our bought and paid for, do nothing, blow hard congress. Because I retired from the USAF, wife and I have good health care which mimics socialized medicine. We've also long advocated single pay universal health care, strong unions, and breaking up large corporations such as GM, et al, into small worker owned and managed co-ops. That is, we are capitalist who believe in the fundamentals of Adam Smith and David Hume. Smith and Hume firmly believed in small business, either family owned or worker owned, as well as tight government regulations. They did not believe in large corporations which must grow or die and are inherently unsustainable.
If polled, I'll tell you I'm a conservative after the style of Einsenhower. Based upon that one question, today's so-called "republican" would incorrectly label me as center right. But based upon all of my other beliefs, that so-called "republican" would call me a communist, or worse. That is, you and your ilk just don't get it. Most of you are ideological Reaganista's who pull your "beliefs" out of thin air. You spend government money like drunken sailors, never questioning your leaders and seem to be intent on destroying unions, and the blue collar working class who built this country. Yet you claim to believe in fiscal responsibility and the working man. That's obviously a blatant lie that you either can't see, or refuse to admit. Either way, I don't want that kind of person in our government. My last republican vote was for George H. W. Bush when he was candidate for the republican party. When that phony old B movie star won, then made our country into a debtor nation, I suspected it signaled the end of the republican party.
Although I'm not that happy with spineless, bought and paid for democrats, I now belong to the Obama movement. We intend to continue to put pressure on all politicians, including Obama. We'll only vote for those who work against Big Money Lobby, and for We The People, and we don't give a damn what you call us.
Bravo, indeed.
Broder's column is here. It's impossible to link to the Airman's post in the comments section because the page numbers shift as new comments are posted. Look for the posts by "charliemunn" and "Attucks".
About the photograph:
WISE, VA - JULY 26, 2008: Patients await dental care at the Remote Area Medical (RAM) in Wise, Virginia. The free clinic, which lasts 2 1/2 days, is the largest of its kind in the nation, and organizers expected to treat more than 2,500 people over the weekend, mostly providing dental and vision services. Residents of the "coal counties" of Appalachia are some of the most impoverished in the nation, and most are either underinsured or have no health insurance at all. For many, the RAM clinic is the only medical care they may receive each year.
Labels: david broder, GOP, health care, republicans, single payer, socialized medicine, universal health care, USAF retired, working class
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