Meanwhile Caring Loving Gay & Lesbian Americans Are Prohibited from Adoption, Foster Parenting...not to mention marrying

Three-year-old boy found running on I-465: Motorists stop to help child who escaped his apartment; mother charged with neglect.
A toddler wearing only a diaper and T-shirt was found running in the middle of the slow lane of northbound I-465 Saturday morning -- while an unaware driver, speeding by in his 1-ton flatbed, easily could have run into him. The boy survived unscathed, but for a few tense moments, at least a half-dozen cars and a big rig swerved into other lanes to avoid the barefoot child.
Hoping to find where the boy lived, [an officer], joined by Child Protective Services workers, went to the nearby Scarborough Lake Apartments. An assistant apartment manager directed them to the Dyer family's unit.And while we're at it: unlike many other European and industrialized nations, we in the USA (word's most powerful nation, the only superpower in the world ... Reagan & Bush both said so!) -- have one of the most shameful, neglectful, abusive, punitive, ineffectual, incompetent child care / family care and safety-net systems in the world -- rivaled only by the most impoverished, uneducated, undeveloped, mostly totalitarian nations in the world. THANKS UNFETTERED CAPITALISM (and especially BIG thanks to American HYPOCRISY)!
Their arrival woke Nancy Dyer up.
"Oh, he got out again," ...she [said] after hearing about her son's escape.
Dyer, who moved [to Indianapolis] from Florida about six months ago, told police she doesn't hear the children after she falls asleep on their one bed and had last seen Damon and her daughter, Gabriel, 2, just after midnight. Dyer told police she often used boxes to secure the apartment's door because Damon is able to unlock it, Merritt said. Whether she did so Friday night was unclear.
Merritt said Indianapolis police earlier last week were summoned to the area after the boy was seen running around a parking lot near his home unattended.
The incident led to the arrest of the boy's mother on two charges of child neglect after Merritt found she wasn't aware that her son had slipped out of her apartment.The second charge related to the discovery of a second child eating spaghetti off the floor, police said. Officers said they also found trash in the apartment and feces on the walls.
complete story here and here
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